Intermediate Online Workshop: The Art of Self-Awareness—Tapping Into the Unseen



In this intermediate 2.5-hour workshop, we will teach you to see things of which you may not be aware and to learn that nothing is ever as it seems. You will learn the principles of:

Recognition and removal of unseen barriers that are keeping you from obtaining what you want in life

The Art of Meditation and how you can use it to access deeper levels of your subconscious mind

Using standing meditation and walking meditation to create a new personal reality

Accessing your subconscious mind while in a state of walking meditation

Connecting your mind to your body

Achieving a state of being and getting what you desire in life

Neuroplasticity and how it is the key to changing your future

Using mental rehearsal to change your mind and body

Identifying, understanding and applying brain wave patterns created in meditation

This intermediate workshop is specially designed to enable you to delve deeper into your inner self,
thereby seeing quicker results.




Consultations are also available by text or WhatsApp: 415-525-6800

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