There’s plenty of information available on living your life with intent. It can quickly become confusing if you let it, with so many different people weighing in with their perception of what intention is all about. But the concept of intention is simple: “Our intention creates our reality” – Wayne Dyer.

Sometimes life can be overwhelming, with all the many things we need to do each day. We wake up, we go through the motions of our day, and then we go to bed, tired and hoping we can do better tomorrow and find more joy and purpose in our lives.

It’s easy to get caught up in this cycle, making unconscious choices to stay in the rut we’re in, knowing there must be a bigger purpose to it all but not knowing how to get through to it. Setting intentions allows you to make conscious choices that create the reality you want for yourself. These intentions can help you focus on your true inner dreams and connect with your authentic self.

What are intentions?

The Cambridge dictionary defines an intention as “something that you want and plan to do”. And this is a good way to describe your daily intentions – a plan for your day that that becomes your guiding principle.

Intentions work best when they’re something you want to create in your life and not a specific goal. Intentions are a purpose that you want to envelope your life within, such as a more positive attitude or to be more loving.

For most of us, our intentions will be very closely tied to our own personal values – that internal intuition that we can trust as being our spiritual self. Allow this intuition to permit positive and affirming intentions to form in your mind.

Defining your intentions

Look within your heart for those intentions that evoke a true feeling of your authentic self. Be honest with yourself and take some to connect with your feelings as you define your own personal intentions. Find a quiet space where you feel at peace to connect with what’s inside you. This is your own time to discover the difference between true intentions and those that are driven by your ego.

Another way to define your intention is by asking yourself what is it that matters the most to you. The answers to this question can become one of your daily intentions. If fear is holding you back from doing things in your life, one of your intentions may be to become more fearless and to trust in yourself.

Once you have one or more clear intentions in mind use a short phrase to give voice to each intent. Your intentions should be positive –today I embrace lovetoday I will act with courage. Say your intention out loud and come up with words that resonate within your heart.

Daily practice of intentions

Defining your intention is just the first step in your journey to creating your reality. Now it’s time to get into the habit of stating your intention in the morning and revisiting it throughout your day. Setting intentions in the morning is a great way to affirm your purpose for the day, becoming the inspiration for each day’s journey.

Here are just a few of the practices that can help you live your life with more daily intent.

The power of expression

Write down your intention– the physical act of mindful writing confirms your intent by putting it into the universe and giving it power. There is a direct connection between your brain and writing. When your subconscious sees your intention as words, it’s already so….your intention is active. Keeping a journal is a good place to write down your intentions as well as other morning thoughts that set a positive tone for your day.

Daily affirmations

Use your intention as a daily affirmation, speaking the words out loud. As with writing, giving voice to your words gives them power. When you speak the words your mind already believes those words to be true. Affirmations are a powerful tool for practicing daily intent.


After writing down your daily intentions or speaking them aloud, even if you only have five minutes, meditate and focus on the words you’ve just put to paper or to voice. This is your time to pause for a few minutes and just allow your breath to flow through you as you reflect and set your intentions for the day. Meditate with a calm clarity that your intentions are creating your reality.

Unplug during the day

At least once a day take some time to look at the world around you. We often get so busy during the day that we fail to notice those things that can bring us simple joy. Take a walk and listen to the birds, allowing your daily intention to float into your mind. This is a good time reconnect with your intention before you step back into your day.

Evening practice

Before going to bed, spend a few minutes in solitude without your phone or watching television. Reflect on your day, celebrating who you are as you reconnect with your intent one more time. Consider doing an evening meditation, slowing your breath and calming your thoughts as you prepare for sleep.

Affirming your intentions each and every day can take your negative thoughts, actions, and choices and change them into positive emotional energy that works towards helping you realize your dreams rather than working against them. Find what works for you as you create your own reality with intent.

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