In ancient history there is a story of a monster that dwells between the border of the physical and the spiritual world. This monster lives within our self. In order to reach higher realms, we must face this monster.
The first step that we need to take when we are doing spiritual work that is very, very deep is to face ourselves. Facing ourselves takes a lot of Courage. Facing our self means that we stop blaming others. It means that we take responsibility for our own actions. It can often involve taking responsibility for others actions in the form of accepting responsibility for simply participating in circumstances through thought, word, action and feeling. It also has a tendency to piss us off and make us very uncomfortable. That’s the price of spiritual freedom; letting go. We talk about this a lot in romantic readings.
When we are willing to face ourselves we usually find that this demon has deceived us. We justify it’s nasty actions, it’s arrogance and disregard to be right. Right means nothing. It is another belief to support limited thinking.
Within us is The Shadow self that hides from us. Or maybe we knew that this Shadow existed but we never did anything to control it or conquer it.
In the beginning of our spiritual work, the most important thing that we do is face ourselves so that we may reach a freedom that cannot be explained. We have to awaken within ourselves subtle forces that we are composed of. Most of us only meet this demon at the time of our death. But why should we wait? Why don’t we look at it now? No more death bed realizations. Let us do it now, for self, for freedom. You see, it helps us more when we face it here in this world because we heal us and helps heal others.
The demon crouches and stays locked in different chakras or in the body in general. Its made of false concepts and beliefs. We can find it through self observation or “looking without judgment.” Looking without judgment means that we do not name what we see. In not naming, our mind becomes silent through looking. This is where awareness begins. Awareness is soft and subtle, like a gentle breeze. No words are spoken, it just is. Then comes the “aha” moment. Yet we are taught to not strive for the “aha.” in striving we create another ego traps or goal. The idea is to simply look.
What we are doing in looking is bringing that Demon into the light. But these words are symbols. Looking brings awareness. Awareness automatically brings light to things. Being conscious brings light or clarity.
Fear, hatred, jealousy, greed, passion, lust, selfishness, thoughtlessness, arrogance and more are all a part of the demon. We have unknowingly nursed it, we have unknowingly raised it as a child and it brings out the worst in us and others. We use it as a weapon; proud of our bitchy, nasty nature. We even spur it on believing it is powerful. We use it to justify the crimes we commit against others emotionally, spiritually and sometimes even physically. This demon keeps us mired down in pain. It affects us physically and psychologically. It comes through psychically in our energy field and can be read. But no one wants to know about their demon. We want to be told that we are angelic, blameless, and if anything, short-sighted. This demon is what we call the dweller on the threshold. The threshold where heaven and Earth meet. It is must be faced to advance spiritually. The very darkness of our own nature created this dweller. So let’s take a look at it.
When we face this demon and we begin to see the demon as sort of a “molder of our destiny,” our actions and reactions become more apparent. If we begin to control them by just looking, the Mind will become silent. In this silence we actually see ourselves. Just look. Do not judge, do not place words the looking, just look at it. And see that it is often found that we let the demon guide us instead of the Angel within us. Yet, we are made of both demon and angel. Both animal and man. This is controlled by our likes or dislikes are hates our fears we create and build our own hell and torment.
This world is duplicitous. Duality also gives birth to choice. Choosing to not choose is a choice too. Just look at what is. If you are going to choose; choose love.
We pay a frightful price when we close our hearts. Love just loves. It gives and does not need to receive because being able to love is the very gift we get back. People are broken, all of us. When we look at our choices, we see our reality. Want to change it? Choose differently.
Almost everything is measured against something else. Except, we have one mouth, one heart and one pineal gland. Look closely. One tongue, the power of word. One heart, the power of Love. One pineal gland, the opportunity to see without physical eyes to open to us a Divine realm. This is where we meet the guardian of the threshold.
The guardian of the threshold keeps us out of the Heavenly Realms if we still have dirt covering our body. It’s looking for a pure heart, an open yet soft eye and a gentle tongue.
When we radiate light, love and care for our fellow man we begin to purify. No price can buy your way into or past the guardian of the threshold. It is a place that is very sacred. Before one can enter, you must know that you have to have a balanced mind and what they call the credentials of a purified body. We don’t speak of being in this realm nor do we pontificate that we have reached this realm. Instead one goes silent and does not use their words. Their actions speak silently in prayerfulness or meditation. They are kind, humble, courageous, soft and most powerfully strong; most of the time unnoticed.
If anyone tells you that they have the secret elixir to expedite the process to pass the guardian, RUN. It isn’t true because no one can do it for you. They may guide you wisely, but must trust your own‘s guidance as well because this path is a mirror reflecting back to us. It is a path that is traveled alone yet it is not lonely.
One of my favorite Saints, Padre Pio, used to say don’t ask for spiritual gifts. He said ask to be of service. For in humbleness and humility these gifts come and thrive.
The Divine knows our hearts. It cannot be fooled into allowing us to pass the threshold. And if by chance we find ourselves there tattered and torn, know it is by the Divine hand.