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What We Do

You create your own reality, consciously and unconsciously. Our guidance will help you to discover who you truly are, deep inside yourself, and become a self-empowered being. The life you want–one filled with love, prosperity, happiness, health and joy–is well within reach.
Consultations with our intuitive guides, psychologists and healers will help you begin to unlock your true potential. 

Book a consultation or appointment with Jocelyn, Dr. Mari or one of her guests directly online by clicking here or on SERVICES in the MENU at the top of this page.

How We Can Help You

We can help you figure out what you’re creating, why you’re creating it and how to change it. 
Our brains design the pictures, images and dreams of what our futures will look like. You will understand that this is what it means to dream yourself into the life that you desire.
You are the architect of your life. We are simply here to facilitate the opening of your mind to show you the way.

Book Your Appointment Step by Step

Our Blog

How Mindfulness Meditation Helps Increase Confidence

All too often, we have heard the catchphrase “seize the moment.” As part of friendly advice, a rallying call, or even both. Truly, it’s one of the most enticing one-liners there is. However, it’s easier said than done, especially if you lack self-confidence. The good...

The Big Question: 5 Simple Steps to Say YES to Your Life!

Life can get away from us and slip out the back door when we are not paying attention. You discover that your life has been sculpted by the ideas of other people, creating a life that doesn’t feel to be quite the right fit for you. Does your life feel like you are...

The Dating Dilemma

Have you ever thought about why we date? The purpose of dating is to get to know someone, and to develop a relationship if both parties are in agreement. That is it, in a nutshell. It’s not complicated--but we tend to complicate it. Once you recognize what you need to...

Happy Customers


The absolute BEST! Everything she has predicted has happened. She has helped guide me to exactly what I want in my relationships. I have everything that I want. Trust what she says, it works!!


I have been a client of Jocelyns for 3 years. She has helped me with everything from career to divorce to relationships. She is compassionate, kind, funny and straighforward. Her wisdom has lead me to understand myself, the men in my life and help me navigate my way to having what I want not what someone tells me I should have. Thank you thank you!


Thank you again j!!! You said 1 day or 1 week for communication and it was 1 day! Hoping all the rest starts to fall in place!


FANTASTIK PSYCHIC Amazing and my favourite, one and only psychic!


Thank you Jocelyn, you know how to bring up my spirits. No beating around the bush. Thank you for your honesty.


You never go wrong with Jocelyn ! She is really so good !!


Jocelyn is definitely a reader that empowers her clients which I absolutely love....give her a call and she will definitely show you how to create the reality you desire


Jocelyn is awesome!


Just what the doctor ordered. A woman who knows how to empower a client with her gifts! She is compassionate and straightforward! She will put you on the right track and show you how to stay there. Give her a call, you won't regret it! (unless you don't want to change your life).


I got the job of my dreams! Now we are working on love life!! I have never felt better about myself! I know that I control my worled and I create my destiny. Jocelyn helps you create what you want by reading your energy and showing you how to change it. ITs sometimes not easy but its so worth it!

Denise K.
Jacksonville, Fla

I took the introductory workshop and the intermediate. Changed my life! Gave me exactly what I needed to manifest the love of my life. Working with Jocelyn and her team helped me see how I was blocking love. I had no idea how powerful this can be. We are POWERFUL! Take this workshop! It will change your life!

Bethany J.
Dallas, Tx

Fantastic workshops!! Made such a difference in the way I see things. I totally get how we create our reality and when I realized it was all me…...I let go of all the BS! P.S. Jocelyn, Mari and Karen, I took the trip to Bali!!!

Michael Z.

Helped me so much with my goals! Couldn’t get out of my own way because I didn’t know I was the obstacle, or my thinking and feeling was. They helped me so much. I changed my mind and I did change my life. Thanks ladies. I plan on coming to your live workshop to meet you in persona and thank you.

Marissa L
Johannesburg, SA

Love all their work! Jocelyn is an amazing energy reader. I was struggling so hard. She laid it right out and told me where my block was and when it happened from my childhood. Blew my mind. Opened me right up. Karen helped me locate it in my energy field and Dr. Mari gave me tools to keep on going when I want to quit. I waited to post this review to let you all know, their techniques work!! Lasts for a lifetime if we practice them 🙂 take the courses!!!!!!

Sharon P.
Columbia, SC

I resisted this type of work so so long. So glad I did it. I see results everyday from what learned. I hated my co-workers and saw everyone as an enemy. Not anymore!!!! I got me a promotion through using these techniques

Bradley F.
Kansas City, Mo

I needed to figure out why the hell I wasn’t making any progress financially. I listened. I was ripe and ready and they give it to you straight and girl-like all at the same time. They know their stuff. Worth every shiny penny. I manifested $10,000 in 30 days by changing my mind. They are also available for private consultations. Thanks! Will be back for more


OMG! I went from a mess to success!! Take this course!!! Talk to them! It will blow your mind!!

Alexa R.
San Diego, Ca

Crazy good workshops and webinars. I signed up for both live webinar and the pre-recorded. Use it and listen over and over.

Juan B
Perth, Australia

The all time best reader is Jocelyn! She knows. Helped me see what I was creating and helped me change it. Thank you so much!!

Jessica T.
Boulder, Co.

Jocelyn, Karen and Mari are amazing. I signed up for the personalized package. I haven’t been the same. They each left me with information that is still unfolding, helping me let go of my s**t and making me a better person. Its up to YOU! They are guides!!!! Do you work, live your best life!!

Katy A.
Phoeniz, Az

You either want it or you don’t. Anything is possible, I learned that and practice this daily. Highly recommend!! My husband is taking the workshops now too!! Life changer!!!

Steven H.

Game changer. Want to succeed in love and business? Take this course!!

Tim C.
Raligh, NC

Not only are they beautiful, they are smart as f**k and take no prisoners! Jocelyn explains neuroplasticity like a champ, Karen is super healer and Dr. Mari is the BOMB!!!

Katherine S.
Sydney, Australia

My go to girls! Seriously, Listen to everything they say and you will literally, amazingly, energetically change. I listen to their podcasts over and over too!! They also have pre-recorded meditations if you sign up for the workshops!!! I love the one on MONEY $$$$$$!!! Saved me from falling. I LOVE YOU GUYS!!

Brenda W.
Rio de Janeiro

I could not have done it without them!! Worth every dime I spent! Priceless!!

Amy P.
Pacific Palisades, Ca

After doing a private one-on-one package, I hired them to come to my office and teach my whole staff. Thats how good they are!! I also get regular “tune-ups” with them to keep me fueled.

Mary H.
Philadelphia, PA

Jocelyn is AMAZING! She is the BEST and ACCURATE. Call her you won’t be disappointed!!

Scott V

This team is powerful. Jocelyn read for me and she ROCKS!! Karen healed me and she also reads!

Nicole D.
Boston, MA

I had a great session with Dr. Mari!! She is powerful!!! Great Doc of psych!!

Tracy M.
New York, NY

Loved the workshops!!!! They are so inspiring and awesome!!!

Farhad H.
Nashville, TN.

Very good explanation of neuroplasticity, energy and the mind! Hightly recommend! Good information!

Leo G.
Memphis, TN.

Great reader! Picks up on where you need to shift energy and things you don’t see or even remember. Thank you Jocelyn!!

Consultations are also available by text or WhatsApp: 415-525-6800

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